Media Kit

Destination Travel Network & 
Sussex County Chamber of Commerce

Advertising opportunities on

For pricing and program details:

Creative Information:
  • Responsive website design allows advertisements to display on all devices.
  • All placements are templated and designed to match the visual aesthetic of
  • Images should be single photographs without any overlaid elements, including logos. No collages or “photoshopping,” please.
  • All character count specs include individual spaces, punctuation marks, and letters. We recommend using a character count tool such as to track copy length.
  • Send creative assets to


Header Image

  • Photo (1400w x 1018h pixels)
  • Headline (36 characters)
  • Body (140 characters)
  • Clickthrough URL

DTN - Media Kit - HI - PROOF


Premium Page Sponsor

  • Photo (560w x 375h pixels)
  • Headline (66 characters)
  • Body (255 characters)
  • Clickthrough URL


Featured Listing

  • Pulls content from your existing listing detail page

DTN - Media Kit - FL


Run Of Site Banner

  • Photo (560w x 375h pixels)
  • Headline (65 characters)
  • Body (184 characters)
  • Clickthrough URL



  • Photo (560w x 375h pixels)
  • Headline (35 characters)
  • Body (116 characters)
  • Clickthrough URL


Mobile Footer

  • Photo (324w x 286h pixels)
  • Copy (45 characters)
  • Clickthrough URL

DTN - Media Kit - MF - PROOF

DTN - Media Kit - iPhone Mock



DTN - Logo - Media Kit